Free Choral Music Files in PDF MIDI NWC format
English Madrigals

Adieu, sweet Amarillis Wilbye John PDF NWC MIDI
Ah me! Can every rumor Wilbye John PDF NWC MIDI
Alas my Daphne, stay Lichfild Henry PDF NWC MIDI
Alas! What hope of speeding Wilbye John PDF NWC MIDI
All creatures now are merry Bennet John PDF NWC MIDI
All ye that sleep in pleasure Lichfild Henry PDF NWC MIDI
April is in my mistress' face Morley Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Away! Thou shalt not love Wilbye John PDF NWC MIDI
Ay me, my mistress scorns Bateson Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Ay me, that life should yet remain Lichfild Henry PDF NWC MIDI
Besides a fountain Morley Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Blind love was shooting Farnaby Giles PDF NWC MIDI
Clorinda false Morley Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Cold winter's Ice is fled Weelkes Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Come again Dowland John PDF NWC MIDI
Come clap
Phyllis sworn
Weelkes Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Come let's begin to revel't out Weelkes Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Come Lovers follow me Morley Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Come sirrah Jack ho Weelkes Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Come, shepherds, follow me Bennet John PDF NWC MIDI
Daphne on the rainbow Farnaby Giles PDF NWC MIDI
Dear pity Wilbye John PDF NWC MIDI
Die now my heart Morley Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Die, hapless man! Wilbye John PDF NWC MIDI
Fair Phyllis I saw Farmer John PDF NWC MIDI
Fine knacks for ladies Dowland John PDF NWC MIDI
Fly, love, aloft to Heaven Wilbye John PDF NWC MIDI
Fond men that do so highly prize Tomkins Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Fyer, fyer Morley Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Go crystal tears Dowland John PDF NWC MIDI
Hard by a crystal fountain Morley Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Hark jolly shepherds Morley Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Help I fall Morley Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Ho who comes here Morley Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
How great delight Tomkins Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
I always beg (the 1st part)

Thus Love commands (the 2nd part)
Wilbye John PDF NWC MIDI

I always loved to call Lichfild Henry PDF NWC MIDI
I fall, I fall (the 1st part)

And though my Love abounding (the 2nd part)
Wilbye John PDF NWC MIDI

I languish to complain me Bennet John PDF NWC MIDI
I will no more come to thee Morley Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
In dew of roses Morley Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
In every place Morley Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Jockey thine horn-pipe's dull Weelkes Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Lady, when I behold Wilbye John PDF NWC MIDI
Lady why grieve you still me? Morley Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Let go! why do you stay me? Bennet John PDF NWC MIDI
Love, cease tormenting Tomkins Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Love would discharge Bateson Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
My Lady's coloured cheeks Farnaby Giles PDF NWC MIDI
No more I will thy love Tomkins Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Now is the gentle season (the 1st part)

The fields abroad (the 2nd part)
Morley Thomas PDF NWC MIDI

Now let us make a merry greeting Weelkes Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Now, O now I needs must part Dowland John PDF NWC MIDI
O Care, thou wilt despatch me (the 1st part)

Hence Care, thou art too cruel (the 2nd part)
Weelkes Thomas PDF NWC MIDI

O come shepherds all together Lichfild Henry PDF NWC MIDI
O let me live for true love (the 1st part)

O let me die for true love (the 2nd part)
Tomkins Thomas PDF NWC MIDI

O my grief, were it disclosed Lichfild Henry PDF NWC MIDI
O no thou dost but flout me Morley Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Our hasty life away doth post Tomkins Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Oyez! Has any found a lad? Tomkins Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Pearce did love fair Petronel Farnaby Giles PDF NWC MIDI
Phillida bewailed Farnaby Giles PDF NWC MIDI
Shall I seek to ease my grief? Lichfild Henry PDF NWC MIDI
Since my tears and lamenting Morley Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Sing out, ye Nymphs Bennet John PDF NWC MIDI
So gracious is thy sweet self Bennet John PDF NWC MIDI
Some men desire spouses Weelkes Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Sport we my lovely treasure (the 1st part)

O sweet alas what say you? (the 2nd part)
Morley Thomas PDF NWC MIDI

Sure there is no God of love Tomkins Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Sweet Daphne, stay thy flying Lichfild Henry PDF NWC MIDI
Take here my heart Weelkes Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
The Nightingale so soon as April Bateson Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
The shepherd Claius seeing (the 1st part)

First with looks he lived (the 2nd part)
Lichfild Henry PDF NWC MIDI

Thrice blessed be the giver Farnaby Giles PDF NWC MIDI
Thule, period of cosmography
The Andalusian merchant
Weelkes Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Thus saith my Cloris Wilbye John PDF NWC MIDI
Thyrsis, sleepest thou? Bennet John PDF NWC MIDI
To-morrow is the marriage day Weelkes Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Upon a hill the bonny boy Weelkes Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Wander up and down Bennet John PDF NWC MIDI
Weep, o mine eyes Bennet John PDF NWC MIDI
Weep, o mine eyes Wilbye John PDF NWC MIDI
Weep, silly soul disdained Bennet John PDF NWC MIDI
What needeth all this travail and turmoiling (the 1st part)

O fools! Can you not see a traffic nearer (the 2nd part)
Wilbye John PDF NWC MIDI

What poor astronomers Dowland John PDF NWC MIDI
Whenas I glance Bennet John PDF NWC MIDI
Why sit I here complaining? Morley Thomas PDF NWC MIDI
Ye restless thoughts Bennet John PDF NWC MIDI
Ye restless thoughts Wilbye John PDF NWC MIDI

Last updated on 06 January 2025